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My oil is darker than normal


Has the oil been left at 180°C with nothing in it?

5 F

Recommended Solution

Turn it off, or down, when not in use to extend the life of your oil. Oil left at a high temperature will degrade rapidly. You’ll save on the fuel bill too.


Have you filtered or skimmed recently?

2 A

Recommended Solution

Skim regularly to remove particles – if you don’t they will carbonise, potentially produce carcinogenic acrylamides, taint your oil and shorten its life.


Has the equipment been cleaned recently?

3 F

Recommended Solution

Clean and dry the fryer weekly, before you load with new oil – water, detergents and degreasers can degrade oil prematurely.


Check the thermostat – is the oil overheating?

2 D

Recommended Solution

Check flame alignment on gas fryers – it may need adjusting and can cause hot spots.

Fry at the correct temperature - too hot and you’ll shorten the life of your oil, too low and oil will be absorbed into the food, producing soggy, unhealthy resul
